Wrexham's plans for a new Kop Stand at their ground are a load of bollocks, mate.
Another generic stadium design
The club reckon this new 5,500-capacity stand, designed by some posh architects who did the Tottenham stadium, is gonna be the dogs bollocks. But let's be real, it looks like every other generic modern stand out there. Where's the character, the soul? It's all just a big corporate wank-fest these days.
Looks like an England flag, the mugs
And get this - some muppet designed it so the exterior accidentally looks like a fuckin' England flag! Of course the Welsh fans are pissed off about that. Can't even get that right. Shambles.
Proper atmosphere, my arse
Wrexham and the architects are claiming this new stand will "amplify the noise of supporters onto the pitch". Yeah, alright lads, because that's what football's all about these days isn't it? Acoustics and shit. Forget the fact the real atmosphere has been sucked out the game by all the corporate pricks and tourists. This stand ain't gonna bring it back.
UEFA Category 4, who gives a toss
Apparently this new stand will make the ground UEFA Category 4 so they can host some poxy youth tournament in 2026. Ooh, get you! Like any real fan gives a flying fuck about that nonsense. It's just a box ticking exercise so the execs can slap each other on the back. Waste of fucking time.
The owners are taking the piss
Ever since those Hollywood bellends Reynolds and McElhenney took over, it's been one big ego trip for them. Welcome to Wrexham this, Disney+ that. Bet they couldn't give two shits about the actual football. Just using the club to make a quick buck and boost their profiles. Proper taking the mick out of the fans. Mugs.
In summary, this new stand is just another example of everything wrong with modern football. Soulless, corporate, devoid of any real passion. Wrexham and their starfucking owners can fuck right off with this bollocks. Proper football is dead, and they're pissing on its grave with this shit. Fuckin' state of it. Embarrassing.