What a load of bollocks! Troy Deeney reckons he's seen it all in footy, but even he was left gobsmacked by that muppet Justin Kluivert. The Dutch bellend was so chuffed with himself at half-time, he gave his shirt to some Southampton mug in the crowd. Unbelievable!
Bournemouth are having a blinder
The Cherries are taking the piss this season, smashing it in the Premier League. They battered Southampton 3-1, and it was never in doubt. Dango Ouattara and Ryan Christie had them two-up in 16 minutes. Game over, mate.
Kluivert loses the plot
Kluivert, who set up Christie's goal, was well up for it as the lads went off at the break. Deeney was mid-rant on the radio when he spotted the mental shirt giveaway. "Everyone was cheering," he said. "It's one of the weirdest games I've ever seen."
Adrian Durham, who was with Deeney, couldn't believe his ears. "That's literally unbelievable," he said. "Amazing."
Southampton are proper shite
After the break, Kluivert and his mates carried on taking the piss. Southampton got one back through Kamaldeen Sulemana, but Marcus Tavernier wrapped it up with a third. Aaron Ramsdale made some decent stops to keep the score down.
Deeney laid into the Saints, calling them "trash" and saying his five-year-old could see they were shite. "I can't see where they win," he said. "Everybody else, with the greatest respect, is bang average."
He reckons Ramsdale's made a right balls-up leaving Arsenal for this shower. "Yes, he looks half good, but he doesn't fill you with confidence," Deeney said. "He's made a real big gamble."
And he didn't hold back on Jan Bednarek either. "I was running around him three years ago, and I haven't run in a year," Deeney said. "I'd put money on it, mate, that I could run past him now."
Durham was stunned. "Wow. No disrespect to you, but that's some indictment of the ambition."
But Deeney doubled down. "This place is toxic at the moment," he said. "What are you here to watch? They kind of do a little bit of nothing all the way through the game."
He feels proper sorry for the Southampton fans. "I just don't see where they're going to get anything from," he said. "There's nothing here now to build."
Deeney reckons the manager will be out on his ear by the end of the season. "I'm not calling for the manager to be sacked because that's not right," he said. "But I'll put a hundred quid on it that he's not a manager by the end of the season."
Proper shambles, mate. Southampton are well and truly fucked.