What a load of bollocks! Burnley demanding £30million for that mug James Trafford? They must be having a laugh, mate. The Magpies have been chasing this wanker for ages, and now they finally have a chance to sign him, but at what cost? It's a bloody disgrace, I tell you.
Trafford's Overpriced Talent
This bellend has been in decent form, I'll give him that. But £30million? Are they taking the piss? Just because Burnley might make it to the Premier League, they think they can command such a high price for this muppet. It's a joke, mate.
Newcastle's Goalkeeping Woes
Newcastle have been struggling with Profit and Sustainability Rules since their Saudi takeover, and now they're desperate for a decent keeper. Pope's been injured, and Dubravka nearly pissed off to Saudi Arabia. They're in a right state, they are.
Trafford's Rise to Fame
Trafford's a product of Manchester City's academy, and he's made a name for himself since signing for Burnley permanently for £15m in 2022. He's been in good form this season, keeping 23 clean sheets and not conceding a goal for over 1,000 minutes. But does that justify a £30million price tag? I don't bloody think so, mate.
The Northern Connection
Trafford's from Cumbria, where loads of Newcastle fans are from, and he's endeared himself to the Geordies with his heroics against Sunderland. He saved two penalties and even copied Alexander Isak's celebration. Big deal. That doesn't mean he's worth £30million, does it?
In conclusion, this whole situation is a bloody mess. Burnley are taking liberties with their asking price, and Newcastle are desperate enough to consider it. It's a sad state of affairs when a decent keeper like Trafford is being valued at such a ridiculous price. The beautiful game has gone to the dogs, I tell you. It's a disgrace.