What a load of bollocks this World Seniors Darts tournament is! Keith Deller, a bloody legend of the beautiful game, gets shafted by the organisers. They've got some nerve, I tell you. The man's a former world champ and they couldn't even be arsed to give him a bell when a spot opened up? Taking the piss, they are!
Deller left out in the cold
The tournament decided to lower the age limit from 45 to 50, thinking they're all clever, but all they've done is freeze out one of the greats. Deller's been there since the beginning, helping to kick the whole thing off, and this is the thanks he gets? Mugged off, more like.
Not so senior anymore
And what's this about calling it "seniors" when you've got blokes as young as 45 playing? Tony O'Shea's got the right idea, suggesting they change the name to something like the "champions tour". At least that way, they wouldn't be taking the mickey out of the proper senior players.
It's a bloody disgrace, is what it is. These organisers need to get their heads out of their arses and show some respect to the legends of the game. Keith Deller deserves better than this load of old tosh. Football's going down the shitter, and now darts is following suit. What's the world coming to, eh?