What a load of bollocks! Neymar, that greasy-haired muppet, claims he turned down a blank cheque from Real Madrid to join Barca. As if that pretty boy could resist a massive payday!
Neymar's "love" for Barca
The Brazilian bellend said he "loved Barca with all my heart". Give me a break! The only thing that pampered ponce loves is himself and his overpriced haircut. He just wanted to play with Messi to boost his own ego.
Pep's dodgy 3am offer
Get this - Neymar says Pep Guardiola tried to tap him up for Bayern at 3am while he was in his kecks! What is it with these top managers and their dodgy hotel room dealings? Pep's pull-out quote was pathetic too: "If you don't score 60 goals a season, I'll change my name." The state of it!
Neymar's "romantic" Santos return
Now this fame-hungry donkey has gone crawling back to Santos for one last payday before he retires to count his millions. He's even got the gall to wear Pele's sacred number 10 shirt. The disrespect!
LaLiga chief weighs in
Even that melt Javier Tebas has stuck his beak in, claiming Messi will probably go back to Barca but Neymar won't. No shit Sherlock! Barca wouldn't touch Neymar with a barge pole now, not after all his pissing about.
In summary, Neymar is a jumped-up prima donna who loves the sound of his own voice. The bloke is an embarrassment to the beautiful game. I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of his Botoxed face!