F***ing hell, I can't believe what I'm fucking hearing! Laura Woods is fucking fuming that her newborn son is supporting Newcastle instead of her beloved Arsenal. What a load of bollocks!
Baby Leo's footy loyalties causing family drama
The couple recently popped out their first sprog, but now they're at each other's throats over which club the little munchkin will support. It's a fucking disgrace, mate!
Woods and her fella, Adam Collard, announced the birth of Leo Ernie on social media, and it wasn't long before the footy banter started. Collard, being a Geordie muppet, is trying to brainwash his son into supporting his beloved Newcastle.
Mini Magpie or Gooner? The battle begins
The cheeky bastard shared a snap of Leo wearing a baby grow with 'Mini Magpie' written on it. He even had the nerve to write, "If you aren't first you're last… @laurawoodsy." What a fucking liberty!
Woods, being the loyal Gooner she is, was fucking livid. She responded by re-sharing his post and simply adding: "Fuming." You tell him, luv!
Arsenal vs. Newcastle: The ultimate family feud
Woods, who used to work for some radio station I can't be arsed to remember, is a vocal Arsenal fan. She even got a wholesome gift from Gunners boss Mikel Arteta after announcing her pregnancy. Top bloke, that Arteta!
But now, the family's torn apart by this footy rivalry. It's a fucking shame, mate. The beautiful game should bring people together, not drive 'em apart!
In the end, though, the little nipper's gonna have to make up his own mind. Will he be a Gooner or a Magpie? Only time will fucking tell. But one thing's for sure – this family's footy feud is far from over!